Eddisbury Way
This is an 18 mile walk from Frodsham Bridge to Burwardsley. At Burwardsley
the walk finishes about 15 meters from the Sandstone Trail. The walk also
finishes about 1/4 mile from The Pheasant - a pub which also does food and
accomodation. Phone 01829 770434.
The walk starts from Frodsham Bridge according to the explorer map, but
there is a direction arrow on the main road where it crosses the River Weaver.
So maybe it starts there. Its only a couple of hundred meters difference.
Frodsham Bridge is easy to get to from Frodsham train station: go onto the
main road and turn right. Keep going unitl you reach the road bridge over the
River Weaver. Frodsham Bridge is a couple of hundred meters left along the
river. Burwardsley on the other hand is in the middle of nowhere when it comes
to public transport: expect to have to walk either North or South along the
Sandstone Trail (to Frodsham or Whitchurch respectively) to get a train. In
either case you'll need to walk an additional 17 miles or so.
The path is easy to follow using the explorer maps (sheet 267 - Northwich
and Delamere Forest for the Northern part, moving onto sheet 257 - Crewe and
Nantwich for the Southern part). The way marks vary a bit along the route. Most
often the route is marked by the usual yellow arrow but with a distinguishing
blue blob. In other places no distinguishing mark is present. In others a white
arrow with the words "Eddisbury Way" is used.
I did this walk on the 18th April 2000. I followed the Eddisbury Way to
Burwardsley, stopped overnight at the Pheasant, then followed the Sandstone
Trail back up to Frodsham the next day. The wather forecast for the first day
was a bit grim: "pleasnt morning with heavy rain sweeping north from
lunchtime". So I set off early. As it happened the only weather problem I
encountered was sunburn! I got to the Pheasant at about 4 pm, unpacked my bits
then watched as rain lashed down from 4:15pm for about an hour. Lucky escape!
Views on the Way
Frodsham Bridge
This is the start according to the explorer map. |
Frodsham Road Bridge
The Start?
About 20 meters from the road bridge. Possibly the start? |
Beacon Hill
The Sandstone Trail starts just to the left of that antenna on Beacon Hill
Peckforton Hills
First view of out destination for today. Larkton Hill can be seen on its own
with the main group of hills to the left of the picture. |
Sandstone Trail
We meet the Sandstone Trail and actually follow it for a bit - but on the other
side of the hedge! |
Delamere Forest
We pass through a thin belt of trees and that's it for Delamere Forest for this
walk. This is looking back to the forest. Just inside that line of trees is the
Delamere Way. |
Rolling Countryside
The Sandstone Trail passes along the bottom of the hill with the radio
antennae. We head off to the right of this picture. |
Kelsall Church
Slightly ominous looking clouds. The weather forecast included rain, maybe it
was right. |
Beeston Castle to the left and Peckforton Castle to the right. We are heading
past both of then before turning towards the Peckforton Hills. |
Shropshire Union Canal
OK, no rain so far so I stopped here for half an hour or so. You actually pass
underneath the canal so this is a little diversion from the route. |
Gowy Viaduct
You pass underneath the canal at this bridge, as does the river Gowy! The
previous picture was taken from the left hand side of the bridge, looking
right. |
Approaching Beeston Castle
The End
Another direction marker. This time it agrees with the explorer map. The
Sandstone trail continues about 15m to the left. The pheasant inn is about 1/4
mile to the right. |
The Pheasant Inn
Pub is prominent. Restaurant is behind that. Accomodation on the left. Stunning
views towards Wales on our left. |
View From the Pheasant |
View From the Pheasant |
View From the Pheasant |
View Back to The Pheasant
This is on the road towards the Eddisbury Way sign. The buildings in teh
foreground are the Pheasant Inn. The most prominent building is the
accomodation block. |
A Pheasant
Plenty of them about when I did the walk. This one posed for a photo until I'd
got my camera out then started to run off. Another broke cover about 10 feet in
front of me and made me jump out of my skin. |